Since 2006 in my Stocking Plan store owners take $1000.00 of their selections, give me a small security deposit and never have to pay in advance for anything they stock in their stores again. They just pay using our online system for whats sold every 4th month.
Note: Because they have all their profit immediately rather than having to sell down the "good stuff" to pay back the suppliers bill and only then start to make their money comparatively this is a very easy & safe way to sell sterling & assure a profit for their stores.
This modern way of selling Sterling is perfectly designed for stores with modern Point of Sales systems, as our jewelry is bar coded and comes with complete POS loading xls so they can report their sales from their POS reports..
Many of these stores on POS are replacing their sold designs monthly, something that would be impossible in a "buy up front" system, and seeing big sales gains.